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Searching For The Best Retaining Wall Builders Near Me?

Retaining Wall Builders Near MeUsually, professional landscaping pictures inspire homeowners to improve their yards. Often, replicating these results escapes even the most die-hard DIYer. Sometiemes, homeowners fail to consider complex issues such as drainage, soil, or support. For example, retaining walls are hardscapes that appear simple, but poor installation can result in cracking and crumbling within a short time. When searching for retaining wall builders near me, choose Landscape Solutions & Design, Inc.


Times When You Need A Professional

Many people believe erecting a retaining wall is a simple affair. However, collapses are common when you build them incorrectly. Subsurface conditions, material, and lateral pressure are just some of the factors you need to consider in your planning.

While you still may want to try and undertake this project, certain circumstances dictate you must hire a professional:

1. Any Wall Over 4 Feet Tall

Generally, the pressure on a retaining wall to keep soil back increases substantially for every additional foot. Thus, any wall over 4 feet tall will need additional support to remain standing. Taller walls may also have a greater impact on drainage and soil erosion than shorter ones. Additionally, many towns have rules requiring a professional retaining wall installer to ensure safety.

2. Retention Walls Located Near A Body Of Water

Flooding is North Carolina’s second-most common natural hazard, occurring on average every seven and a half days. Moreover, excessive water can cause a retaining wall to collapse due to increased pressure from moisture-laden soil. A professional can design the proper drainage system to keep your structure standing.

3. Any Slope On Top Of The Wall

Sloping land behind your retaining wall can also cause problems causing your structure to fail. Land that slants towards the retention wall adds more pressure. While dirt angling below the wall can result in instability due to erosion.

4. Terraces

Although terracing looks aesthetically pleasing, you’ll have special engineering considerations. The placement of the higher barriers can add additional pressure to the lower walls. During the designing process, your professional wall contractor needs to consider the height and distance between the walls.

5. Weight On Top Of The Wall

One of the reasons people use retention walls is to carve out more outdoor living space. Sometimes, homeowners want to put patios, driveways, or swimming pools on this new flat land. However, these other hardscape elements add additional weight to the wall. If you add more weight than the retaining wall can handle, it will collapse.

Expenses Incurred In Retaining Wall Construction

Before you begin your construction project, you’ll want to know your entire cost. However, a reputable retaining wall installer needs to examine your property before giving you an estimate. Your wall contractor needs to consider several factors to determine the cost of your structure:

  • Height
  • Material
  • Labor

Typically, a taller wall will cost more to install because of the added pressure on the structure. Generally, you’ll need a concrete footer to support the weight of a larger structure. You may also need anchors, called dead men, to help secure the wall in place.

Next, you need to consider the price of your material. The most popular materials for building a retention wall are concrete pavers, wood, natural stone, concrete, and brick. Each one has pros and cons for ease of installation, durability, and longevity. Plus, some you can’t use on taller structures.

Depending on the size of your wall and the material you choose, labor costs are affected. Some materials, like natural stone, are labor-intensive. Including steps in your wall will also increase your price. Furthermore, any difficulty in accessing the site will cost you more money.

At Landscape Solutions, we provide free estimates for all our landscaping projects. We’ll help you decide on the best material and design for your retaining wall.

Retaining Wall Builders Near Me FAQs

Sorting through all your choices for retaining wall builders near me can be time-consuming. Instead, trust Landscape Solutions for all your hardscape and softscape needs. To help you get to know us, we’ve answered a few of our most commonly asked questions.

Can You Help With Financing My Landscaping Project?

Yes! We’ve partnered with Greensky® for a simple and effortless way to pay for your project. The application process is quick and paperless. Moreover, Greensky® offers deferred interest promotions and affordable budget-friendly options. With fixed interest rates, Greensky® loans are an easy and convenient way to pay for your new retaining wall.

Will I Need A Building Permit To Construct A Retaining Wall?

Many municipalities do indeed require a building permit to construct a retention wall on your property. However, Landscape Solutions can take care of all the paperwork for you. With our many years of experience, we understand the procedures to get the process done quickly.

What Other Landscaping Projects Can Do?

We’re a full-service landscaping company servicing both commercial and residential properties. Our teams can handle any outdoor project:

Of course, we can fix and beautify any problem area on your property. Plus, we’re currently offering $1,500 off any landscaping project worth $25,000 or more. Hurry! You must sign a contract with us by March 15th, 2023 to be eligible for this special offer.

When you’re searching for retaining wall builders near me, choose Landscape Solutions & Design, Inc. Call us at 336-442-0160 right now to book your free no obligation consultation.