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Trees and Shrubbery will Nicely Accent Your Landscape


Trees and shrubbery increase the beauty and appeal of any landscape. They are a great way to accent your yard and add vibrant color to your property. With many different choices available, it can be difficult to determine which varieties will work best in your yard. A professional landscaper helps homeowners choose and maintain trees and shrubbery that will look beautiful all year long.

What will trees and shrubbery do for your yard?


There is nothing more beautiful than trees gently swaying in the breeze. No matter where you live or the size of your property, trees add a natural elegance to any yard. Trees add interest to your landscaping with seasonal blooms or colorful foliage throughout the year.

Another benefit of trees is that they provide shade for your yard. They can reduce the heat that reaches your grass and other plants, preventing them from perishing during the summer. A shaded yard is more comfortable for all living creatures, including your family.

Trees reduce water runoff and erosion as well. They give off oxygen that we need to breathe and absorb air pollutants. Trees provide food and shelter for many animals. They also make a great place for a tree house or tire swing.

Because trees grow large, they can block unsightly views or act as a visual representation of your property line. A landscaper will assess the conditions in your yard and help you choose trees that will flourish. Evergreens, deciduous, and flowering trees may be intermingled for a beautiful effect.


Shrubs and bushes are much smaller than most trees. They tend to have multiple stems that are low to the ground. Their dense foliage and many leafy branches make them ideal for improving your privacy. They can also hide unsightly views and create a definite border around areas in your yard.

You can also plant shrubs close together to make a natural fence. They can help you keep out foot traffic or make a visible barrier on your property line. Often you will see shrubs and bushes lining driveways or walkways.

Just like trees, shrubbery can block unsightly views. Many times, you will see shrubs planted along the perimeter of a house. This prevents others from seeing the foundation and focuses their eye on the more decorative aspects of the home. Shrubbery planted around windows can keep others from peering into or gaining access to your lower floor windows.

Finally, shrubs can add color and interest to a bland landscape. They are a beautiful addition to natural areas and you can even cut them ornamental designs.

Looking to add trees and shrubbery to your yard? Contact Landscape Solutions & Design

Landscape Solutions & Design provides landscaping services to residences and commercial properties in the Triad area. We can choose the best trees and shrubbery for your property. Contact us to learn why we are the premier landscaping company in NC.